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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring is in the air!!!

Sun, tea-houses and Cui Hu :-)

Kunming finally decided to honour its name: City of Eternal Spring! The entire week it has been sunny and warm. So no more shivering at home and no more winter jackets. The best thing about this weather is that after class you can go to Green Lake park, find a spot on one of the terraces of the tea-houses and enjoy the sun and an unlimited 8 RMB cup of tea while studying some Chinese. At moments like that life is sooo good!!!
And the Yunda campus looks beautiful now that all the trees and plants begin to blossom!

Besides enjoying the sun, teaching business negotiation and finance, and studying Chinese Shos and I also started going to the gym again on a regular basis. We found a really nice place very close to where we live. Hopefully the results of our efforts will be visible soon ;-) Shos also applied to another school and with a little bit of luck we will know soon whether she gets accepted, but we are very positive about it.
As soon as we know more I'll let you know too!

That's all for now. Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi I saw your post on travelpod and found your blog here. I am an American guy living very close to Berkeley Cal... sorry your friend did not get accepted. However glad you get to travel. I have been to Holland a few times and Europe but never to Asia. Sounds nice, but for the car horns! ha... wish you luck, your travels got me curious about traveling.

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