Gāo Wǔ - 高五
Hi Five - Join the Revolution
A while ago Marc discovered that the Chinese have no word for a "high five". So he created one: gao wu, which is just the literal translation of high five! All foreigners think this is cool, but we have a hard time convincing the Chinese that it really is funny... Nevertheless t-shirts have been created and we're spreading the word, getting enough people to support our cause and get this word into the Chinese dictionary :-) This weekend was the Kunming Outdoor Music Festival and that, of course, is an awesome chance to promote the "gao wu" movement! So a bunch of us dressed up in the brand-new t-shirts and went to the festival. The weather was great, maybe even too hot (32 degrees Celsius) to be standing on an open field and drinking beer. But we did it anyway!! The music was good (at times...) and the atmosphere was even better. By coincidence this was also the day Marc's parents arrived so they joined us for this musical intermission of our daily lives.
Also Phil (our Chinese friend) got back from France where he gave several lectures on the Chinese law system. So Collin, Phil, Shos and I got together for food and drinks to celebrate his return. It was a great evening with a few too many beers (and champagne and wine...)!
Now it is time for some more serious stuff. Classes need to be prepared, the mid-term for my Finance class needs to be made, and I have to study for my own Chinese mid-term... Let's hope I'll pass ;-)
Greetingz from Kunming!!!
Ruud xuesheng
1 comment:
I want a gao wu t-shirt!
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