Yesterday I killed another million billion brain cells...
Dressing up like an idiot and behaving like on too. That is what carnaval is all about :-) This year Saturday was the only day I had the opportunity to really celebrate it, since I have to work night shifts at my new job the rest of the days (btw new job is at a printing company). So I put on some party clothes from last year and started the evening with Mark, Sven and Erwin at my sister's place. A "few" beers later we went to Harry & de Gebroeëke Zwiêgelkes and ended in town.
Although the night was great ending in being really drunk, the morning after wasn't that great... ;-) Poor brain cells! Oh well, I had fun! On Sunday I only briefly went to town, because work started at 23.00. I wonder where I'll be next year at this time of year...
De groeten,
Looks like you had a great ending to your trip, as well as a fantastic Fat Tuesday. I celebrated in Antarctica with cocktails made with ice from icebergs!
My costume paled in comparison...good work.
This is nothing compared to the Curacao or Rio.
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