Nothing special, but still a good week!
Last week was the birthday party of my uncle and cousin. Got a taste of the new Grolsch bottles and we played some darts. Was the first time I saw that side of the family since I got back from Asia so we had lots to talk about. For those who don't know Dutch culture... the plate on the bottom is filled with little frikandellen and bitterballen (google on them if you want to know more)!!

Started going to the gym again. On Monday was my first session together with Sven. Good to do some exercise, but why does everything have to hurt afterwards... Planning to go approx. 3-5 times a week and get back into shape.
On Wednesday my sister and I decided to make sushi for diner. Not the easiest thing to do, but it always ensures some fun during the preparation and very tasty food afterwards! Those Japanese food know good food!!

On Friday I once again worked at Manger Mangiare (the cooking studio of Olga and Hans). It was a group of really nice people, so once again an evening to remember! They get to make great food and excellent wines and of course I get the same... haha. Doesn't really help to loose those couple of pounds I was planning to ;-)

Afterwards I called my sister again and we went out for a few drinks. Had a great time, but at the end of the night my sister somehow slipped on some steep stairs and fell down a couple of metres, face forward... She is kind of bruised at the moment, but luckily nothing really important is damaged :-) Get well soon, my little smurf!
Saturday working at Parc de IJzeren Man. A rally ended there, so we needed to prepare food for 250 people. Was so good to see everyone again. Felt like I never left there at all :-) That same night my ski-posse had a housewarming / apres ski party at Ronnies new "crib". Lots of beer, chips and sausage rolls later we once again went into town for a party extravaganza... Back home at 5 AM... lol!
A few more weeks and then........ CHINA!!
De Mazzel,